Thursday, August 22, 2013

(Pic)Monkey Love

Are you familiar with PicMonkey yet? It is an absolutely genius photo-editing site that allows you to do all sorts of things (edit, add effects, add themes and digital frames and and and, etc.), but I love it MOST for the ability to make collages of your own photos. Really helpful in terms of Etsy (which gives you 5 photos per listing), but just pretty darn cool, yes?

Oh, and it's SUPER easy to use, too--drag and drop, just the way I like it!

Above: 1. Things I've made; 2: Things I collect; 3. More things I collect; 4. Road trip!



JuJu said...

I haven't heard of this site! I am so going to check it OUT! Thanks for sharing!

shari said...

i LOVE that little brown stuffed doggie you made! adorable!

Andy's Attic said...

I Love the little dog you made! And your collection of pitchers is to die for!!!!
Have not heard of picmonkey but will check it out. Drag and drop is my speed!